So.. Tuesday on the way to Stat class I pull out of Kmart towards PJC.. Southbound traffic is stopped and the two people in the lanes wave me through..I get through and am perpendicular to the turning lane, I look left and then right to yield the right of way to the Northboud traffic. We are at a dead stop for about 8 secs and I see David's face light up as he braces for the Air bag.. There is 20 ft of turning lane to the left of me and a 1991 Nissan Pathfinder, going 45 mph blows into my driver's side. I dislocate my shoulder and shatter my window with my head. Next thing I know David running around to see if I'm ok, he punches the rest of the window out to get to me because the door is jammed close. My left side of my body is numb, shoulder dislocated, sharp pain in my spine, and I can't move my neck.. I see a fire truck and ambulance speeding towards me. They put me in a neck brace, on a back board and rush me to West Florida in the Ambulance. Turns out it was my fault? Well that's what the cop said. He wrote his report before talking to David and I and told me in the E.R. " I didn't see the wreck but judging by the damage on your car and the other girl's story.. You didn't yield the right of way." So.. I took the full blow of the impact into my left shoulder.. The fire fighters said if they wouldv'e hit me a few more inches to the right then I wouldv'e probably died on seen and a few more inches to the left then me and David wouldv'e flipped a few times.. I'm a walking miracle.. So.. the car is totaled if damage exceeds $8k in which case I will receive a check in the mail for my car at Hill Kelly Blue Book value.. David and I were lucky today.. Things like this really make you think about life and why you should live it to the fullest. Everything happends for a reason.. God is awesome.. You know I wasn't scared one bit, when I saw David's reaction to the SUV coming at us, it's like peace went over my body. My life didn't flash before my eyes and honestly the only thing I could think of was " Man this Air bag is going to hurt." I know God is watching out for me and His way will be done. And I totally understand that.. I know my days on this earth are numbered but I don't care, because I know where I'm going if I die. God is so Amazing.. This is just one more reason I have to tell everyone I know what God has done for me. What a crazy month it's been. I love you guys, thanks for all the calls and prayers..
Please keep the Johnson family in your prayers! Take care guys.. Ryan