Seeing the Light, Chapter 23/26.
Chapter 1,
Chapter 2,
Chapter 3,
Chapter 4,
Chapter 5,
Chapter 6Chapter 7 ,
Chapter 8 ,
Chapter 9Chapter 10,
Chapter 11 ,
Chapter 12 ,
Chapter 13,
Chapter 14 ,
Chapter 15Chapter 16Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19,
Chapter 20 Chapter 21,
Chapter 22 - Part 1 Pairing: Overall OT4/5. This part Mark/Gary, Howard/Jason,
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Well the Man from Man has proved himself to be a complete nutter, the elusive scientist has reappeared, and a rather small pretty man has tried to strip outside Westminster!
Poor Gary, his moment of glory cruelly ripped from his grasp - ‘You can do this,’ said Gary to himself. ‘You’re Gary Barlow! You have faced a room full of screaming teenage girls a hundred times, and they’d make this lot look like pussycats! They probably won’t even try to rip my clothes off! I, Gary Barlow, have a chance to save the world - and I am going to do it!’ - the idea of all those elderly party members chasing after Gaz trying to rip his shirt off both amusing and mildly disturbing! ;)
Ah Jason and Howard still fighting side by side - as it should be (the side by side bit not the fighting!)- and if they go, they go together!
What on earth will Cowell do to his 'wife' after that performance - even he won't be able to convince his subjects that it was an anarchist plot to discredit him - I'm sure he'll enjoy punishing Mark for humiliating him in front of the cameras.
I do hope that Jezza and Andy have managed to keep their tetanus shots up to date, the bite of a rabid hamster can prove quite nasty!
I can't wait to see what the final three chapters bring!
Haha, yeah - but maybe if Gary had shown a bit of flesh he might have got one or two more of 'em on his side.
Hmmmm, no doubt Cowell is going to be *very* angry - *ponders evilly*! Mind you, Mark is starting to learn to fight back....albiet in a rather disturbing way.
3 chapters?? Haha, they're going to be looooooong ones I'm afraid, and then there's that epilogue...whoops!
Thanks for your lovely comment :)
Ewww! if he'd have done that they may have expected a pay off!!!!
Ah but then Cowell like it when Mark fights back doesn't he, it just gives him a reason to use more force to put Mark back where he belongs - beneath him! ;)
Well I've been waiting the last few posts for the chapter numbers to go up - I guess a few split parts won't count! And don't apologise for long chapters that just means more whumping and cuddling at the end!
"Ah but then Cowell like it when Mark fights back doesn't he, it just gives him a reason to use more force to put Mark back where he belongs - beneath him! ;)" - ah, no doubt, sadly true (I do need to write those 'missing scenes soon', don't I???)
There's def. going to be an epilogue, but it will be over after that - I promise ;)
(btw, is Wed week good for you?? I will email ASAP, but yahoomail is being a pain...)
Oh yes indeedy you do!
That isn't a promise it's threat - I don't want it to be over :(
Weds. week is good, I can't guarantee that I won't still be coughing, but I'll block it out on my diary.
Now what shall we do??????? *scratches head in thought*
Aw, there's still plenty more, promise. And there must be many more fics where Markie is sold off as a 'child wife' of course...hehe!
Yay!! We must think of something inspiring for the big day...hmmmm :D
It's all too easy to picture him in that situation - though any fic that makes use of his height (or lack- there-of)is good - still waiting for that rent hobbit fic too!
I'm sure we'll find something to do - and as long as there's a cafe attached we'll be all right!;)
Well I've finally given in, I have a doctors appt. at 11:00 :(
edit: well that's me on amoxicillin and signed off 'til the end of the week!!
Haha, you know me too well - I need coffee and cake, and apart from that, I'm happy anywere ;)
rent!hobbit, you say?? Ooooh, Lisa had a great idea there...we must come back to LOTR/TT fic sometime soon...hehe, but yes, so many ideas still to write, just on our epic list!!!
Hope you're having a nice peaceful afternoon?
I'm sure we'll find a way to fulfil you're caffeine and sugar addiction - throw in a Markie fix and it'll be a little slice of heaven. ;D
There really are too many possibilities -it'll take until doomsday to write them all - even at the rate you and Lisa are going - I do envy the two of you being able to stick with it!
Just happy not to be at work!
I shall be all agog until your next post! Though I know I'll like whatever you post!
It's definitely going to take ages for us to get through that prompt list, although once this big fic is done, I'm determined to tackle as many as possible. Whumpers is such a fun little comm., and I love that there are so many creative ideas people, as well as writers :)
(just escaping from being sociable for a bit, btw ;))
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