Everybody and their mamma is skipping about the weather right now. It was cloudy this morning so I ran back inside and changed my whole outfit so I could wear my rainboots today. A bless-ed thing, except I tripped on the stairs on my way racing to class. I feet weren't used to the flip-flop / rainboot change over yet.
What a week... (sigh). Received my first ever F on a paper. a 58. But I talked to my mentor today, and she eased my nerves. But I was told I needed to be aggressive back to this man-professor. So come tuesday morning, hopefully I'll be prepared to address him. I had prepared myself for this class knowing good and well what kind of man to expect. But never-the-less, I won't let one class fuck my gpa. I can take with a straight face being told I don't know what I'm talking about when it come to Shakespeare (because I don't), BUT under no circumstances will I tolerate someone telling me I don't know how to write. *engraves line*
In happier news the birthday weekend trip has been finalized. One night. 4-5 people. Should be lovely. Also my halloween costume has been decided on. Going to be a fall faerie! here's my
inspiration. I've got a penny whistle and a string of bells to add to it. So I've got 3 weeks to make the wings, crown, and skirt. I love any occassion to be crafty and then be able to show it off by wearing it!
Have a beautiful weekend dearies. Go buy a pumpkin.