Title: Cross Your Heart 8/?
Pairing: Centon/Candy
Summary: When Cody catches two of the WWE's premiere superstars in a...ahem, compromising position, he finds himself in a bit of a tense situation, not to mention finds himself on the Legend Killer's bad side. Takes place in 2007, back during Cody's debut.
Disclaimer: Do not own anyone
Rating: NC-17
Chapter 1:
http://messyjessy08.livejournal.com/7927.html#cutid1Chapter 2:
http://messyjessy08.livejournal.com/8094.htmlChapter 3:
http://messyjessy08.livejournal.com/8423.htmlChapter 4:
http://messyjessy08.livejournal.com/8710.htmlChapter 5:
http://messyjessy08.livejournal.com/9084.htmlChapter 6:
http://messyjessy08.livejournal.com/9306.htmlChapter 7:
http://messyjessy08.livejournal.com/9871.html http://messyjessy08.livejournal.com/10066.html