Title: Feelin' It In My Bones...
Pairing: Cena/Orton
Warnings: Semi-public sex, language
Rating: Hard R
Summary: Cena's feeling a bit worn around the edges after WrestleMania.
Disclaimer: If these two were mine there'd be a lot more sex and a lot less clothing.
A/N: I didn't get to watch all of WM last night because my computer is a dick, so for any inconsistencies (like if Teddy really did wrestle and I just missed it) I apologize. This was written in the middle of the night last night when my router decided to cut off, so I haven't looked up anything other than what I saw last night.
A/N II: I hope you guys like, it just sort of happened. Word vomit, you know? It's bottom!Cena. It's un-beta'd. And it's not as good as my first, but hopefully you'll enjoy it anyway. Cut to my writing journal, where the post is locked. If you want to see it, friend
vaakosreaper or comment here and I'll add you right away.
...come the morning.