this birthday put my 21st to shame!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Feb 13, 2006 15:24

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU ... to everyone who made this the most amazing weekend ever!

First off Seth managed to plan this huge surprise party for me - a FANTASTIC night in the city with the two of us and some of the most amazing friends ever. After shopping around at Faniuel Hall we had a couple drinks at the bar at Dick's Last Resort, which by the way is a BLAST. Then all of a sudden Nathalie and Alli walk in and then I slowly started to figure it all out. The snow stopped some ppl from coming - but we got some much needed Meloski time, and even Kate made it from DC for some much needed catching up and drinking! CRAZY!!!
I got this massive paper hat with like 20 balloons that said "Buy me shots its my birthday" ... Seth sported the paper "Pimpin' ain't easy but these ladies are" hat, and some of the girls got balloons tied in their hair with "I love Dick's," "As seen on Girls Gone Wild" etc. We got to do some drunk T-traveling which everyone knows I love, and a couple drinks at Unos.... It was such a great night I'll never forget it!

And I pretty much just got spoiled all around. Phone calls from Paris (Ash we are so going to Dick's when you get back!!) and phone calls and of course facebook messages from so many awesome people. My family took me out for some dinner and as always got me a ton of cool gifts. The boyfriend came through AGAIN surprising me with the cd player for my car and Uggs!!! he's pretty much the best thing in the whole world!!!! xoxoxo

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