Jul 21, 2007 22:01
last night was A LOT of fun. Bloodlust came out unfortunately but that was while I brought Sheena to Ateneo. long story. thanks to too much people who made my night absolutely lovely. :> you know who you are. if you do, comment. :))
ugh, I have a lot on my mind lately. my dad is sick. my sister is well, pissed at my parents. my mom is being her usual self. basta. it's hard to explain. if you were here, you'd understand.
this week's been more of I hate it than I love it. :| and let me tell you boys and girls, that Ateneo is HARD. and I'm not that ready for the mid-term marks. they're 25% of our grade!! :-s I just hope I don't hear the words "no more ym" cause if I do, I'll just text you guys excessively. :))