(no subject)

Feb 06, 2009 11:27

Singling out one person in this household for being insane seems kind of pointless, kind of like highlighting fluorescent yellow text, but the grandmother has made the seemingly impossible possible. Chronicling the endless minutiae of her insanity would require a diary unto itself but a recent event seemed worthy of remembering.

She's fond of making the craziest looking signs you've ever seen...notes to the family born of resentment and a disordered mind. It's not unheard of to walk into the kitchen and find a sloppy note scrawled in lipstick and taped to the cabinet bitching about dishes or some other inanity. These notes, often added to with no consideration for composition, remind me of the scribblings of schizophrenics.

When a recent note dictating proper microwave usage procedures apparently went ignored by the resident slobs the grandmother was driven to a rather strange and poorly-reasoned action. She scrawled "BROKEN" over the other text of the note in big angry black letters and, upon investigation, it was discovered that the glass tray from inside the microwave was missing. When asked about it the grandmother said that she had taken it out to clean and accidentally dropped it...shattering it into a million pieces. I guess it hadn't occurred to her that simply removing the tray wouldn't actually stop the microwave from functioning. She sat on the couch contentedly telling people if they wanted to heat something up to use the stove.

It is now two days later and the sign has disappeared and the glass tray has magically reappeared inside the microwave. It was all an elaborate lie....one of the petty mind games the twisted old woman is fond of playing. The strangest part, to me anyway, is the fact that this has gone completely undiscussed in the household. It's just so bizarre. A lot of things about this family are just so strange to me.

I used to think I came from an at least somewhat dysfunctional family. I mean, my parents had me institutionalized for being a somewhat difficult teenager. But my family is the fucking Brady Bunch compared to this clan of social misfits. How these people managed to produce someone as relatively untainted as Nickey is beyond me. Everyone in this house is fucking nuts and apparently always have been but Nickey bears only the psychological scars that any normal, healthy person would exhibit having been raised by a pack of alcoholic narcissists and mentally abusive jackals. I daresay she turned out better than most would've having come from the same circumstances....myself included.
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