A belated Happy Birthday to
gira and
sara_super_id Happy Mother's day to all the mom's, those with two legged children and those with four legged children. A mom is a mom is a mom.
Yesterday was actually my Mother's Day. I went to NH with my aunt and her aunt to visit my mom. My mother and aunt's aunt is 85 and very funny, although a bit long in the tooth. She had a very interesting career working as a contract negotiator for the government. She even met the Shah of Iran who treated her like dirt (and paid for it). But she is one of those people who tells the same story over and over, and also wants to be the center of attention no matter who is there. I don't think my mother said 4 words the whole time we were up. You just couldn't get a word in edgewise. But it was still fun. The aunt kept calling me Donna, which is not my name. She has a good sense of humor though. At lunch the waitress asked us how we were all related and I said my mom and aunt were my gay mothers. Only my aunt heard me, but when she told my mother, my mom almost choked on her shrimp. We ate lunch at the Weathervane, which is a fish place. I had yummy clam strips and a Cesar salad. I LOVE Cesar salad. For me it's the perfect salad, nothing but romain and dressing and cheese! None of that silly cucumber or tomato stuff. Oh, and croutons.
Today I bummed around the house. Did all the usual. Fired up the push mower and did the lawn. Laundry, dishes, dump. I planted carrot seeds, sunflower seeds, and some kind of salad greens mix that I probably wont be able to discern from the weeds after a while. And I made a compost mound for my pumpkin and gourd seeds to see if they might grow better in it. I also found the pumpkin from last fall in the compost with seeds still inside so I spread them out in one of my compost bins to see if they will grow. The wild ones did so well last year at the cemetery in the mulch that I figure maybe that is the way to go.
I still have not read Sat's paper. But Rythter and I did catch up on Lost and Hero this weekend. I brought the Lost disks up to my mom to watch, when she gets someone to hook up her DVD player. She wanted to know if I would do it. Hahahahaha. Right.
I found out my 20 year old 2nd cousin? is pregnant. It was her brother who died last fall, my cousin's son. I wonder if the resulting pregnancy had anything to do with that, emotionally I mean. One never knows. But she will have the support of her family at least.
I noticed Mrs. Moose has gone to town on her My Space page. New background that makes the words disappear in the foreground. She also changed her picture again, so that now it shows her 11 year old daughter who is wearing shirt that gives this year's date and her school's name. And because where she lives is on Mrs Moose's page, you can easily see where little blond girl goes to school. This is not the first time she has done something like this. And oddly enough, she wrote on her website for the daycare that she could not post pictures of the children for safety sake. Yet she posts her own kids photos and school info without a second thought. Hello? I am expecting a Mother's day entry on her blog. Nothing yet.
The weather is lovely, a bit cool but so nice. I like it like this, not 80.
Memorial day is fast approaching. That is my D-day. I had hoped it would rain a bit more as it's so dry out there, and when we mow the dust is nasty. But it has to get done, and at least it's not growing like crazy.
Oh and my mom got me a second rain barrel but I couldn't fit it in my aunt's car, so she will bring it down in a few weeks hopefully.