Did Someone mention Livejournal?

Sep 22, 2023 21:26

So yeah, I haven't been here in forever again. Which is quite a shame, but while I'm here, #FPUTIN. Got to get that out there. I spend my time on TwiX and Facebook, and get all my ya ya's out there. Sort of. I don't do the in depth journaling I did here.. which is kind of a shame. I should catch up.

Did I mention my stepfather died in 2021? My uncle also. So after that my mother moved down to MA and is now 4 minutes door to door from my house. That's great. She brought with her hundreds of day lily's that she has planted at the house (formerly my grandmother-father's house, now mine) and she keeps ordering more here and there. We call them kittens as they come in boxes with vents and it's like getting a box of kittens. MORE KITTENS!!!!  They really do look quite beautiful when they are blooming in June and July. She also brought with her the seeds of Rudbeckia which are like orange yellow sunflowers. They used to grow pretty prolifically in her yard/garden in NH, popping out of every crack in the walkway etc. Now they have taken over her garden and walkway here.. though thank god when they did the bricks, they put some kind of cement grout in between so they haven't taken root in the actual bricks. They are lovely.. though I wonder if in a few years, that is all there will be.... The house of Rudbeckia. (LJ keeps putting a d in there... not sure if there is one).
So my mom sold her house and has a fabulous pension from years of working for the state of NH, her healthcare is top of the line. She has is still driving though I drive a lot for her too. She has some vision loss but is getting monthly shots in her eye (aaaahhhh.. but seriously it's not to bad) to keep the vision loss at bay. She eats lunch at various restaurants I think in search of that one place where she feels like 'everyone knows your name' that she had up on NH.. but I'm not sure MA is quite like that.. though there are a few that are close. I'm not able to lose weight because I tend to go with her a few times a week.. for company.. My son, her only grandchild, tries to get a free meal once a week too and he drives her. It's a good thing, she'll be 84 next month so who knows how much longer she'll be here. I mean, we can all go any time, right?
My aunt, her sister, (younger) who used to go to FL for the winters is tired of making the trip (which was a pain because they have a small dog that had to be brought down separately) so she is selling her condo and staying up here, which is great for me because I won't have to watch her house in the winter when she's away, and she'll be around to see her sister who as I mentioned.. well they could either go at any time..
My mom's other hobbies is gardening and yard sailing. Though I have taken over a lot of the work of gardening, she supervises. She even canned tomato sauce this year and made corn and regular relish. Given the weird weather, that' wasn't too bad.
Yard sailing is not as good here as it was in NH, and in NH, she also had a favorite consignment store where she would bring some of her yard sale finds and make a few bucks, more for the fun than the profit, though at times the profit was pretty decent. Alas the resale stores around us are pretty high end.. They want perfection. But when there are no yard sales we visit the dump swap, and that gives her a chance at some finds that she may or may not use, but they are free... so hey.. it's all about the hunt anyway.

Updates on the boy, he's working in a Chocolate shop, selling candy. I cant tell you how bad this is for him weight wise, but he's happy there and that's a huge thing. The hours aren't always good, sometimes 2 or 3 days part time a week, but lately they are understaffed so he's been getting some good hours. For someone who lives at a home and has basically no bills.. it's okay. He's also still doing some computer stuff for another person, which is an added paycheck. Waiting for the state to come in and tell him he's making too much so he has no healthcare or has to pay some of it..
Husband is working from home, hates it, but it's a living. I'm thrilled beyond belief that the interest rates are up so that the cemetery can finally start pulling in some money on the investments they have and I can get paid more regularly. We are also getting a lot of cremations lately which I love. I'll take as many as you want to put in. If it fits, we .. bury..

What else.. Oh the female cat has thyroid disease. She's on a special diet which did seem to work for a while not doesn't quite seem to be.. Not sure if the next step is literally the nuclear option (see previous entry) and she gets injected with radiation or something, or what. She throws up and is very agitated and non stop pacing at times... sigh.. she's 11.. And the boy cat seems to be acting weird too.. same age.. WTH? But we'll see what we do.

I should do a politics post. To put it simply, I'll vote for a dead Biden over a live #Coup45, but I do wish he'd step aside and let ANYONE younger run. I'd happily vote for Kamala also. I am really hoping the pro choice crowd gets off its lazy ass and sends the biggest message to the right that WE ARE SICK OF YOUR SHIT AND NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE. I'm also delighted that DJT is finally facing the music as are all his minions. Everything he touches turns to shit.

Hey, there you go, an entry. See you next time, hope you are all well any of you left on here.

#fputin, #coup45

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