Feb 22, 2018 23:48
So I've popped on here from time to time to catch up.. but LJ is really dead these days, at least from people on my friend's list who used to post regularly.. myself included.
I thought maybe after the Florida shooting there would be some chatter, but even that I guess fails to bring out the writers.
Are we all on Facebook, or have we all given up or is there a platform after LJ that people have moved to.. or is the day of writing over?
Yeah.. I am part of the problem.. lol
Well, Ryter is away this week, so I should have caught up by now but I forgot and just now thought maybe it would be a good time. So here are the latest non events.
I'm sick. I have a chest cold thing... It's annoying, but doesn't feel like a full cold. I'm on day 3. Its not the flu, which I have been trying very hard not to get. But we were at a birthday party and in Boston over the weekend, so surely that is where I got sick.
So the weekend.. we had a guest visitor. Someone we had only met through facebook and I cant even recall how that connection was made, but that person decided to come out from IL and visit for the Bday party and then on Sunday we all went to Boston and hung out by Beacon Hill and the North End. I have actually never been to the North End that I know of, though I know at some point I must have done part of the Freedom Trail as a child. Went into the Paul Revere house, even though he was a jerk. lol
It was really fun to meet MD, though as a midwesterner, she does seem to talk more than I'm used to. lol She does Doterra oils, and I'm not a beliver, but she left me a starter kit as a thank you of lemon, lavender and mint oil, which I will be able to do something with even if I dont think they will do a lot of what they claim. I've already been using the mint to keep my sinuses open. That worked.
I did find that whatever oil it was MD had on when she arrived, it's a cat repellent . Muffin, who loves EVERYONE, would not go near her.. hardly would stay in the room.
I'm distracted by watching the fucking moron in the White House telling us his solution to school shootings that the NRA approved for him to say. Fucking shithead.
I guess I'm going to bed now... It's late.. and I'll make some lame promise to come back later. ... meanwhile months will go by.....