Mar 02, 2017 17:48
Wow... I know I'm bad these days but I think thats a first. Last time I posted was Feb. 1...
There is so much political crap that I should be posting here but instead I put it on FB, because on FB, there is feedback. I mean, I know there area few of you still here, but for the most part.. well, it's quite. And I'm as responsible for that as anyone. I havent even opened LJ in a few days.
I'm painting. I finished a portrait a week or so ago, which is nice. Something done. I am now working on an art 'project'. Its political themed. Its going to be a Russian tryptic? a tri fold religious icon but with characters from LD's administration. I cut the wood out for it, put hinges on it and am about half done. I'm working in Russian themes into the pictures also. And gold, lots of gold paint to trim it. I think its fun. Though to be honest, by the time I'm done with it some of the characters may not be there. As I predicted earlier (didi I write it down?) turnover in the LD whitehouse is going to be pretty steady I think.
The weather is insane. Tornadoes. Another warmest year ever, Feb was in the 40's or higher for hte most part. There is no frost in the ground, but hey, there may be after this weekend as the temps dive again for a few days. No doubt they will be in the 90's by the end of March. W. T. F. But really, the new norm is abnormal. So I'm getting used to it.
Cuz is back on her feet, but not without her crutch yet. She is doing therapy and hopes to be back to work in some capacity in the spring. If only riding a mower. We'll see. I was thinking yesterday that by Memorial Day, I will have picked up the entire 16 acres of leaves by my self. Well, all the ones I dont sweep under the rug that is. And boy do I sweep. Whatever I can hide in the woods, its' all good.
Well, I better get back to my painting. I'm actually inspired to do this and get it done. Like books, that doesnt always happen. But when it does, even FB isnt my priority. lol.
global warming,