I have not seen this posted anywhere, so I thought I would post something. Joseph Barbara, co-creator of such cultural icons as the Flintstones and Tom and Jerry, has died at the age of 95. His partner Bill Hanna died in 2001. He was also the creator of Yogi Bear, Huckleberry Hound and Friends, Top Cat, Scooby-Doo, Johnny Quest, The Jetsons and Animal Follies.
I cannot tell you how many hours I spent as a child watching Yogi, Huckleberry Hound, and Scooby Doo. Scooby was the show I always watched when I stayed home from school, sick. I would lay on the couch and watch hours of silliness. This probably contributed to the fact that my brain is warped, but I also think it contributed to my quick wit. In any event, I can only wish that the cartoons of today were as kind and gentle and silly as the cartoons of yester-year. Cartoons didn't used to be about killing and fighting, they were just about getting a pic-a-nic basket, or trying to make sure your wife didn't find out about a hair brained scheme you and you little buddy concocted to make a little extra money.
So RIP Mr. Barbara. "Exit, stage left... "