Nov 17, 2014 08:41
Yes, it is. I don't care what your child's dissability is.. I really don't, I think the parents have a huge influence on how that child behaves. I have just endured two days of my crazy friend from Oregon's child.. the non lead poisoned one... the one that was a cute, articulate 3 year old the last time I saw him. He's now a monster. He can go from being fun and cute and playing to an abusive shit head in seconds. For no reason. And I am sure some of that has been rubbed off on him from his brothers, and some of it is the chaos he lives in, and some of it is the language his mother (probably father) uses too.. but really, what a crying shame.
I played with him for an hour last night with Himself's old toys. When we were done I asked if he could help clean up.. I wasn't nasty or mean or demanding, I just said, hey can you help pick up..... No, refusal, then abuse....
This mornign, he lost a toy he had brought to bed, we could not find it. Looked and looked. I went back up to look one more time and after pulling stuff out from under the bed.. found it. For my extra efforts, which he did not deserve, I got a big old FUCK YOU.
Yeah, this from a 6 year old. Its not the lead.. let me fucking tell you.... Though a good smash across the mouth might help. Yes, I did just say that. I am so pissed. Mostly to see what a waste of a child she's created. And I would say her oldest who is 18 and talented and maybe doing okay.... but he's still under her roof and god knows if he'll survive that insanity. And she crys for the other children who need her help.... I wish she could spend as much time advocating for her own. Or at least disciplinging them instead of bribing them. They sure know how to game the system.
And then the little shit wanted a piece of paper from me after he told me fuck you. LOL! Sorry, I don't give anything to shitty kids. I guess they won't be staying here anymore.
My other thought is that he has a serious psycolgoical disorder that she is overlooking... but I don't think so.. I think he just plays her like a violin. And she runs herself ragged trying to juggle the insanity. But then agian, that's the way she needs to live. Manic manic. It's just another manic Monday.