We don't LIKE to argue, we REVEL in it.

Oct 12, 2014 22:27

And such are the words of wisdom from my dream, written down after I fed the cats at 7am, and promptly went back to bed. I have no frame of reference as to what that meant at the time, only that I thought I needed to remember it and write it down. Dreams truely are strange things.

So we picked up the boy on Saturday for the holliday weekend. We wanted him to come down on public transport, but as it was raining, and he is sick, we buckled and went to get him. It's only an hour ride, but still, that's an hour there and back. It wasn't too bad. Thankfully the rain stopped halfway up. I hate being on the highway in the rain. Scares the crap out of me, even if I'm not driving. Lack of visibility and hydroplaning. Yuck.

Himself is well. Other than being sick that is. He seems really happy with his friends, and has gone out and done a bunch of things with them. He looks thin to me, even thinner than before. But he seems okay other than that. One roomate moved out, so it's just two of them in the room now. He isn't keen on his room mate, but it could be worse.

It's very strange having him here now. LIke we have a house guest. It is going to take a bit to get used to him over vacations. lol. But he also seems so much more adult now. He actually wanted to visit his grandparents, asked about everyone. It's nice. He's still not sure about his major, but will be taking a computer programming course next semester to see how he likes that.. and kind of go from there. There is going to be a lot of math, which would totally be an end game for me, but he's his father's son, and Ryther is, or was, very good with math. Hopefully he likes it, because I think computer programming is something that, if kept up with, is the way to go for the future. Well, that or having a talent at some kind of trade, which he doesn't seem to have.

But then there are other things too...  we'll see.

sick boy, himself, college, dreams

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