Aug 27, 2014 23:47
11:30, got to get to bed, but I have to do this.. I have to.
Paper girl isn't the brightest, neither is her mother. She's asked me 4? times when the papers come (she knows now) and 2 times when the sat. papers arrive, even though it's all in the writing thing I gave them, the papers with words on it.. yeah, that. If they read anything I gave them the guy on vacation wouldn't have gotten a paper that is now sitting on his step. My paper today was in my mailbox when I specifically said I wanted it on the porch, to the person who took the order and on the sheet I gave her. sigh. I can only imagine what is going on elsewhere. And they are bagging every paper, even thought it's been sunny and hot and not a drop of rain. I also specifically said they should only bag when it's likely to rain.. but what do I know? Still no word on whether they want the cart I offered for the Sat. paper. Ive asked 3 times now? I think thats enough. Oh.. get over it control freak.. grrrr… I'm sure they will be asking again about the bills tomorrow. Cuz, like I didn't write instructions about that either.
The hummingbirds have been very busy drinking from the feeder, and battling in front of my face. They wiz by, beep at each other fiercely and hover in my face checking me out. It's so fun. I love this feeder, and so do they it seems. Its' so dry I feel good being able to offer them liquid refreshment.
IN the bird department, my neighbor's boy brought over a pigeon yesterday that they found. I'm not sure what was wrong with it, but it wasn't flying and could not really walk, though there seemed to be no external injuries. Probably hit by a car or something. I said I'd take it (to the mom's relief) but as I expected, it expired a while later. At least it had a safe quiet place to pass on. Sometimes that's all you can offer. Of course the flies were lined up an hour before waiting for that moment.. or not waiting.
And lastly we have had some really trying times this month (I say we but it has nothing to do with me other than I paint there) trying to get a model for the life class. Numerous times this summer in general models have bailed either with no notice or very short notice. This time they at least had a few hours to find someone else, and they got a male model who was a friend of one of the models I think. Something like that. He had never posed before but had no problem whipping off his clothes. What struck me as funny was that he was Arabic, from France though. If he was Muslim, I don't think he was very devout. lol. I was the only female in the room, but still, seems like life class would violate a whole slew of conventions. He was a good model though, esp. for a beginner. Though I know the men like to draw the nice women rather than a man, but hell, I'll take any practice I can get, no skin off my nose. But I guess next summer they may take the time off since booking is so hard to do.
I am also very frustrated on my current painting. I can go to the damned art class and whip out something reasonably decent in 2 hours, but this thing is killing me. I feel like I've said that before. I haven't even painted in a few days on it, just might have to put it away for a while.
Thats about it for the moment. T- 2 days.
11;50 bam!