Feb 21, 2013 23:11
Do you recall the guy that did our windows? Who we traded the VW to for the work? Well, he's an ass... but that aside. No, wait, he's not just an ass, he's a male chauvinist pig. You didn't think they still made those did you? Yeah, I kind of thought they got left back in the 70's. Anyway.. he's also the one with two, count them two illegitimate kids, and he's 'religious'. Yeah... Waiting for the current GF to get preggo.....
Anyway, he's a friend on FB, and he posts (as many people do) some very inaccurate things. So I feel it's my duty, as I do with many inaccurate posts, to correct them. Needless to say, he hates this. Now, I have a number of people on my FB friends list that I regularly disagree with over many issues. Guns, religion, kids, politics... you name it. Always civil, or I try to keep it so (others often don't), but lively and interesting. I don't single anyone out.... Just the facts madam.
But this guy, he takes it as a personal affront to his manhood that I'm disagreeing with him. So much so that he has to regularly retaliate by attacking my husband and my marriage. Cause, 22 years of marriage is apparently just for show..... As Mrs Moose would say... he's jealous. And well he should be. What an ass.