Dec 12, 2012 08:03
Looks like LJ updated my page, even though I had tried it and went back to the old style. No spell check I suppose. Lets cee. Nope. Sorry people. You'll have to live with the errors that are my ways now. No little red underline to warn me what I did wrong.
One of this morning's dreams was about Mrs. Moose. We were all staying at a hotel I think. Mrs Moose was smoking because she was trying out for a part, and she said that hallatosis (bad breath) would kill her chances to get the part. (she also had a scruffy beard growth??) We were like, are you fucking kidding me? Brush your teeth! Nicoteen breath is better than bad breath? And you had cancer? It was pretty funny when you think of it, as if I care that she got the part or was smoking. Very typical Moose reasoning.