One year.

May 25, 2011 21:33

Well, the John Deer lasted one year without anything breaking. Sadly, today the arm that holds the mower bed off the ground in the front broke. Stress. I was, admittedly, in a lumpy bumpy section, and I think it was just too much. Now I need to find a place to get the dang part from, although I am going to see if my brother can weld it for a temporary fix. Not sure about the metal. At least we have 90 percent of the cemetery mowed, and the sections that are going to be the worst will be the older, less visited sections, which still look nice right now. More whipping to be done, which will really make things look better.

My cousin who now works with me (she needs a name doesn't she. How about Cuz? ) Cuz got into the family genealogy a short while back and she actually has quite a few family members in the cemetery. And as it turns out, we got a call on a cremation for a distant relative of hers. I told her that there was someone visiting that lot last year, and sure as heck the guy showed up yesterday morning. So she introduced herself and talked to him for a while. Nice when that kind of thing works out.

Biv called and left a message on the answering machine. She was inquiring about the Lunar Moths. Have I seen any from the caterpillars that "I" raised. Okay, first off, they come out at night and are attracted to light. Secondly, I'M NOT THERE AT NIGHT AND THERE IS NO LIGHT! Christ is she ridiculous. What she is really doing is looking for an excuse to once again ask for her job back. Or any work. Screw her. I don't' have time or patients to listen to her sob stories yet again.

I spend way too much time on FB these days, which is why I seldom have time to write here. Also we've been trying to watch stuff at 10, quality family time I guess. Catching up on the many shows we don't watch on TV but wait for on DVD or HULU. I wonder how many other people who don't have cable no longer watch TV because of the Digital conversion?

I was looking at the National Geographic the other day and on page 50 and 51 (if you get the magazine) there is a stone carving on a wall or something. Its an image of two humans between which is what looks to me like a turtle and on one side is what looks like a fish. Both human figures have their arms outstretched. I read the caption which reads "two figures dance with an animal. Perhaps guides to the spirit realm.." Guides to the spirit realm my butt. The thing is a fish story. It's "the one that got away". Anyone who knows fishermen can figure that one out.They are showing how big the fish was with their hands.

On the FB side of things.... we've revived the old God Squad vs. the godless in an abortion debate. The great 'what if'? What if Obama's half brother had lived? Well, the world is not run on what ifs, but what ares. We do what we think is best, that is free will, and we live with the consequences. We'll never know if things would be better or worse for all the people who have lived and died, if they had lived and died differently.

So, that's all I can think of right now. Besides mentioning the beautiful springlike day we had today. Yesterday was hot and humid (after weeks of 50's and 60's and rain or drizzle or fog) and today was dry and warm and breezy and pleasant. ONE. Think I can finally turn off the heat for the season?

mowing, bugs, stupidity, fish, tv, weather, abortion, facebook

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