Mar 28, 2011 20:55
So this morning I got to work knowing I had to deal with getting the stones back on their foundations. And of course as soon as I got there, Mrs Wackjob was there taking photos. (for her lawsuit no doubt). As I opened up the building she called me over to ask when the stones were going to be put back, and I said 'this morning'. And she proceeded to go on and on about how she visits every week and almost had a heart attack because the stones were off and someone else came by and they couldn't find the grave because the stones were off and yada yada yada... eventually I had to just walk away. Nothing more I could do without getting unpleasant. She left, and when my cousin got in a few minutes later, we went out and took our own photos, and then put the stones back so you'd never even know they were moved, then took more photos. It's ridiculous.
My cousin had to leave at lunch time as her son was sick. That was okay. I joked with her that it was nice to have the quite, and it kind of is. Sometimes I just like to be by myself. She should be in tomorrow and we'll be picking up leaves. I hope. We have one of our winter graves going in on Friday, so I figure we can maybe finish up loaming the last few graves then. Really need to get rid of more of theses leaves.
Watched "Up In The Air" last night. Cute story. Kind of depressing though.