Aug 03, 2010 07:50
I have been having a ton of dreams lately, despite my bed, and I tell them to Ryther in the morning, but by the time I get here in the evening, I have all but forgotten them. This mornign's main them was a new house being built, or maybe this one redone, but turned into a long ranch house with a long front porch. Then there was something about driving away in my father's truck and leaving him and maybe my husband or maybe my brother to walk back (if they had stopped chatting they would have gotten a ride) and while I waited for them I was trying to fix the numbers on the clock, which had different fonts you could use. By the time I looked up and they were there, it was pouring and they had to walk in the rain because of me. (oh well). Something else about a race car and something else where Sushi was going on a date but needed an umbrella with extra stuff on it to stay out of the sun.
Yes, dreams are very weird stuff. And this is just the out line, doesn't get into the details in these dreams, which are fast disappearing in my head.