Dec 09, 2009 20:48
I finally saw something on one of the news programs showing what at least one of the controversial hacked emails said that throws water over the whole global warming debate. It had something to do with the tree ring data not matching up with the temps I guess. What I don't get about tree rings is, and I do look at the tree rings when I cut trees, sometimes, most of the time, the ring is thicker on one side and thinner on another. So how then it might change half way, go back, so on. So how do you really know what the tree was experiencing that year, when the rings seem to be so wacky? I think the only thing I'd trust tree rings for is the age of the tree.
That aside. The sky is still getting yellower, the water is still getting more polluted. There are still less fish in the sea, humanity continues to mass produce itself, and coal, oil and gas are still all non-renewable fuels.
Why do today what you can put off 'till tomorrow?
global warming