My Valentine has hollow eyes

Aug 05, 2005 21:31

Well things have been alright..I was able to go back to school & get caught up on all the test i missed..I still havent heard back on my blood spill test or bactiria test which i was supposed to find out today but the bitch didnt have it ready oh well...

Almost got all my project done i figure that i have all of tomorow being in Ellensburg & having no way around since i rode over with King which is kinda wierd but he didnt wanna drive alone so i was a good girl & went along for the ride & it was really nice..Hes been so tuchy feely lately & i like it cause uselly hes pretty reserved out in public which i never really am but he just seems to be more into me which is nice it just sucks he has to work...He got all signed up for school so its offical hes going to be a student at my school which is awesome...I'm so not used to dating someone who makes a goal to be with me & actully follows threw with it & its sucha big change & its nice to be able to trust someone when they promise they'll do whatever it takes to be near you & be near you soon..He helped me so much with my project its nice to be able to lean on someone for some help when i'm in a bind...I think i'll make him breakfast tomorow while hes sleeping...That should be a nice little thank you......I'm so lucky

I miss Joey i should call him...except i dont have a car...Fuck.....

Blast you car god your sucha anus face
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