boy oh boy what a weekend..It started off alright i was feeling a bit under the weather & then by saterday night i had the worst flu of my entire life! it was the worst expirience ever i wasnt able to hold anything in not even water..So yesterday after a bunch people told me that i needed to go to the hospital i finelly went to some clinic & the dr there sent me straight to the er because she thought i had appendacidis but they ran some test & it turns out that track infection i went into that clinic about in ellensburg wasnt "just some reaction to a soap i was using" like the dr over there told me..They told me it was a serious track infection that had traveled and i had a very serious kidny infection that made my stomach tissue & everything around it swell up to gaurd it becuase it was so inflamed! They said i was severly dyhydrated as well so they kept me in the er for about 3 hours pumping me full of antibiotics,fluids & pain medication & they didnt know how i could have not come in sooner because of the pain alone...So the drs said no more school this week because i need some bed rest plus its hard for me to get around so i was pretty relived when he said i shoudnt go to school cause i didnt know what i was going to do there anyways...
SO yeah thats how my weeks been going pretty sucky...It was so cute i never have seen King so worried when he didnt hear back from me on exactly what was wrong with me after i told him i had to go to the er...Its nice to know someone cares that much i mean i dont even think Joey knows & if he does he hasnt called to see if i was alright *shrugz* So now i'm hopped up on percaset & just catching up on some well needed sleep..But yes i am alive yay! so no going over to ellensburg for me this weekend since the 2 side effects to all 3 of my medications is drowsyness & dizzyness so yeah no operation heavy machinery for this little Princess!
I think i have Kavik talked into bringing over his PS2 & all the older FF games he has to let me play so it will give me something to do so lets keep our fingers crossed!
Anyways off to call King & see how hes doing
the Idiot Savant
(47% dark, 60% spontaneous, 61% vulgar)
your humor style:
You like things silly, immediate, and, above all, outrageous. Ixne on the subtle word play, more testicles on fire, please. People like you are the most likely to RECEIVE internet forwards--and also the most likely to save them in a special folder entitled 'HOLY SHIT'.
Because it's so easily appreciated, and often a little physical, your sense of humor never ceases to amuse your friends. But most realize that there's a sly intelligence and a knowing wink to your tastes. Your sense of humor could be called 'anti-pretentious'--but ironically, that definitely indicates you're smarter than most.
PEOPLE LIKE YOU: Johnny Knoxville - Jimmy Kimmel
My test tracked 3 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 26% on dark
You scored higher than 90% on spontaneous
You scored higher than 94% on vulgar
The 3 Variable Funny Test written by
jason_bateman on
Ok Cupid