Oct 23, 2004 02:31
* Full name: amy pearl
* Religion/church: undecided
* Height: 5'10
* Hair color: brown with a big caramel like streak on the side of my head
* Hair length: it was cut into a vamp but now i dunno what it is.
* Piercings: ears
* Tattoos: dont have any yet
* Scars: on my right hand and some on my legs
* Glasses, braces, etc: none
* Sibs/ages: sister: sister 19
* Parents/ages: mother: vivian-47 and my father doesnt exist
* Living arrangements: i live under the rock from which i came.
* Hobbies: i make clothes... and other random things
* School: harbor gateway adult learning center
* School mascot: a gate? haha i dont know i really dont think they have a mascot
* Bed time: whenever i get tired...so maybe around 230am
* Star: will ferrel
* Singer: ollie wisdom, lucas lanthier, rozz williams, sean brennan
* Subject: english
* State: california
* Phrase: heck yes! and flippin sweet!
* Clothes brand: i dont have a favorite
* Cologne/perfume: lucky you
* Food: fries?
* Drink: lemon mineral water
* Store: target and hello kitty
* Place to visit: knotts
* Day: tomorrow
* Time of day: 12am
Least favourites:
* Star: hilary duff
* Singer: hilary duff
* Flower: hilary duff haha just kidding
* Animal: scary ones
* Subject: algebra 2b
* State: alabama
* Word: lucious
* Shoe brand: i dunno
* Time of day: 11am
* Job: designer
* Where will you live: CA
* Kids: adoption
* Girl's name(s): berlin
* Go back to anywhere where would you go: somewheres
* Least favorite memory: car accident and fights with my mom.
* Most embarrassing moment: i dont know.. o.o
* First BF/GF:
* Thing you most regret: no regrets. whats done is done no point in wallowing what you cant fix.
Have you ever
* Cried your way out of things: no....well maybe going to school
* Got D~hall: que?
* Betrayed a friend: i dont think so. if i did and i dont know im sorry
* Used someone: no
* Got kicked out of a place: nope
* Drove a car: Yesh
* Been grounded: well she attempted to ground me but she let me out. haha
* Broken a bone: yesshh
First thing that comes to mind
* George W. Bush: beans
* Bill Clinton: nose
* Devil: horns
* Brit Spears: dumb
More questions
* Biggest fear: clowns
* Worst feeling in the world: being heartbroken
* Greatest feeling: love
* Hardest thing you've ever done: told someone how i felt.
* Dreams: i hope to become a designer someday
* Goals: read above
* How long are you in the shower: a long time but not as long as nallely. DAMn she takes like 5 hours.
* How many times do you shower: like twice a day im a big shower person.
* What do you do in your spare time: i am on this thing..cause i have no life..orr im making stuff
* How many ppl are on your BL: 1
* Who will most likely fill this out: i dunno prolly no one
* Did you like this survey: ehh its a survey.
* How's life: a bitch.