Dec 24, 2004 20:10
The fact is this:
Most people, in their ambition, are cautious about parenthood. Education and employment, objectives to meet; these keep the motivated and the creative careful. It keeps them from cranking out puppies like some bizarre Monty Python joke about catholicism.
But notice I said "ambition."
People without it-- the ones who usually don't have the basic ambition to trim their sideburns or reheat KFC leftovers-- more importantly, the ones who would rather sit and watch (gasp) the news rather than get up and change the channel because they lost the remote control-- these people are breeding like rabbits.
I don't think parenthood is really a job they want... they probably just really like the job interview... but since digging for the remote and sex are the only exercise they get, I can understand why it happens. I am, however, not very happy about it.
The stupid people are breeding.
Whether they're brain dead in tie-dye, brain dead in baggy pants and backwards baseball caps, brain dead in wrangler jeans and a wife-beater, or brain dead in Gap apparel, they all seem to find equally brain dead partners and crank out brain dead children.
So this is where the problem lies. There are more lazy, stupid, apathetic people in America than there are smart ones. They are having more children per couple than smart couples are.
The idiot tsunami is coming.
So what's the solution? I wouldn't even try to pose one if I thought I could get away with it... but everyone's always telling me about how you can't just complain without offering a solution. So here's one:
Lobotomies for the smart people.
It's the only way for the tortured intellectual minority to stay sane. It's either that, or the establishment of a Harrison Bergeron-esque elite, and that intellectual Nazi-ism principle nauseates me.
Then again, there is a difference between ignorance and stupidity. It's not like my friend Andy's theory of The Attractiveness Vector, which goes like this:
Beautiful people tend to find attractive mates. In genetic norms (i.e., excluding the beautiful coke heads) they will have beautiful children. Ugly people end up with unattractive mates, and tend to have ugly children. So, given time, now that we're in the ultra-connected and very aesthetic present, the future will hold two types of people: Spartan beauties and... well... trolls.
Okay. Unsound. But you get the picture.
Ignorance is not genetic. If the apathetic majority isn't inherently stupid... if they're just unaware of the collision course with Aldus Huxley they are on, then there is hope. If they can be inspired from sex and remote control hunting to sex, remote hunting, Wal-Mart strolling, and Beanie Baby gathering... well, the gym s only three or four or fifteen steps away.
And if their children are raised thinking (and not just thinking about Martin reruns), then maybe there is hope. Maybe we can avoid the Future Of The Morons-- the bad sci-fi flick that it is.
And then we can avoid the lobotomies.