Jan 17, 2005 16:15
I don't think anyone looks at this, but hey, I'll update anyway. To fill you all in, as of late I've departed friendship with TJ, and Dave Etheridge and Andrew both quit Skelophane sometime ago. It's ok though, we're back on our feet with Chris as acting bassist, me on guitar and Dave P playing drums. We have about 3 songs completed, and 3 on top of that in the works, but I don't know if we'll be ready to record any time soon at least. I'd like to record with Dave though, he's a fan-fucking-tastic drummer. Also, Meagan is kind enough to work o the Skelophane website for me, or at least set the format so I can do the rest. We'll put shit up there, like sound clips, pictures, information on each player, shit like that. To contact us, write to Skelophane413@yahoo.com . Anyway, moving on... I spent the entire weekend chillin with Chris, and from 10PM-2AM on the phone with Jess, my ex. I don't know where any of that is going, because I know if anything ever did happen between me and Jess everyone would have something to say about it, which I don't want. I don't like highly publicized relationships. Oh well, I guess you just have to go with the flow. Anyway, I got a new guitar not too long ago. Nice Peavey Limited, it sounds nice and looks good too. School is going OK, although I'm trying to get my grades up before the MP closes, which I think I can do. Kind of a boring update I guess... Well to the few who read this comment or whatever, it doesn't really matter. See ya.