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outawindow April 30 2011, 04:00:07 UTC
Yes, there were several casualties. Most of them were homeless and defenseless. I wonder if it's bravery or a poorly thought out plan. I mean... we did a lot of planning, but in the end the girls sort of ran for it. They're much more fierce than one would expect! But yes. It is certainly good to have it off of the streets, if only that.

I can only hope that it will turn out alright. I'd like to think that so far... from what I've seen and from what my rabbit tells me, I am in no place to say whether they all lack a concept of wrong and right. Most of them are intelligent and have acted deliberately. We actually still have pixies living in the basement. They are feisty creatures, but have never seemed malicious. I don't think they would have asked for help the way they did if they didn't understand something was wrong. Though... that reminds me that we're not really certain what they need help with still. That sounds odd written, but do you know what I mean? Some seem more animalistic, but I don't think their concepts of right and wrong are too different than a human's. There's good and bad regardless, but their own goals and basic natures drive them to not always act in hospitable ways.

Perhaps thinking of them as animals makes sense though. Obviously, some of the bad ones can be beaten into submission without having to completely do away with them. Even dogs like to know who is in command, you know? Hm....

Sorry, rambling, haha. Do tell me more about this museum demon!

And... Millie? In trouble? Has she said something about being in trouble?

I mean, neither of Millie's parents are teachers. I don't know of any immediate relatives that are in the education profession either. She's a Pierce. I'm not sure where their family is in your time, but they work in a lot of various business! Lovely people. I'm happy to know them. Why do you ask though?

Hope to hear from you again,


/sob, so sorry ;; cemetaryeyes June 23 2011, 06:08:30 UTC
Hm, well you can only plan so far. How much do we really know about the "enemy", anyway? It's good that you're able to share Adessi peacefully with those pixies. There's probably a few hiding out here in our time, too. To be honest, I'm kind of bad about detecting them.

In that case, maybe if the car gets the idea, other demons will pick up on the pecking order and be more inclined to follow along? Since you guys are farther along, you'll probably find out sooner. Keep us updated, okay? We like knowing that you're all still alive and intact :)

How to begin, heh. The museum demon could change its shape... that's the first demon we've seen do that. It didn't have a specific weakness, either. We defeated it by combining elemental attacks, which makes me think we'll need to use our abilities with a little more thought in the future.

It was definitely the most violent demon we've run into. Said it wanted to drink our blood and leave us empty shells on the battlefield, something like that. And that we were only speeding up our own demise by fighting. Even if all it said was empty threats, it kind of stuck with me, which is why I'm so glad you guys have had better luck. I'm still worried, though. Once we work something out with a demon here, I think I'll be able to breathe a little easier.

Millie hasn't mentioned anything in particular, I just thought a kid her age could get into trouble pretty easily, and got to wondering her reasons for being at Adessi and how she got involved in all this. I'm sure you guys have things well under control, I'm just curious. Does she have a Persona, too?

Anyway, glad she has you to look out for her. :)

Take care,


outawindow June 25 2011, 05:28:30 UTC
I've found that the Rabbit gets better at detecting with experience. The more he takes in, the easier it is for him to find something later. He can remember something from one and use that to find another. The more information gathered, the easier it is to find something in a wider range. If... that makes sense. He seems to pick up odd sorts of information that I don't entirely understand yet, but I'd be happy to share what I can with you. Perhaps you could find the pixies easily with more information? It might be worth testing, if you're interested.

That's slightly off the topic, though. Well, not really. Well, you know. Anyway, yes, I'll be sure to keep you updated with information, though I'm not sure if I'd say we're farther along. We certainly don't know much more about the "enemy" and your museum experience sounds terrifying! Our demon car at least had weaknesses. A creature that could change shape and had none... I'm relieved that all of you are alright. You are alright, aren't you?

I do trust that all of you are capable of making good decisions and taking care of yourselves, but do be careful. I'm not sure if I should be relieved or concerned that we have yet to cross a demon quite like that. How in the world did you managed to deal with it like that in a museum? Was this a field trip, or just a a casual visit? You didn't break in, did you? Not that the circumstances aren't understandable, but... Well, we're happy to know that all of you are alive and intact on our end as well. If there's anything I can do for you, let me know.

And pardon me for checking, but you're sixteen, aren't you? Of course, I admit that Millie is a bit whimsical... It's a charming quality more than it has ever been any trouble to me, but I do worry a great deal for her. Her family has a tradition in attending Adessi, so she was enrolled here as well. I'm not sure when or how she became involved with everything else. It's hard to say when I don't get to speak with her often. But she does have a Persona! Its name is Peter Pan. If the fictional character is as popular in your time as it is in ours, you may have heard of him. Otherwise, I'd be happy to include more information if you'd like.

Looking out is all I can do for her, it seems.

I'll write again soon,


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