May 06, 2007 21:43
I went to a Bridal Shower today with my mom. We arrived at the Victoria Inn and went upstairs, walked in to the room. There was a group of ladies who I didnt even know. Some who knew me although I didnt remember them, it was very awkward. Once things got started and more people arrived it went alright. I still felt a bit out of place and then my mom introduced me to someone, I'm sorry, I can not remember who she was at the moment, but it was really nice to actually be included in the convorsations rather then just sitting there staring. So then more ladies entered the room and sat down at the tables. I ended up meeting an old friend of my moms who she knew since grade five, so that was interesting and she brought her daughter along, wich was nice and she was really pretty.
I took some pictures, they're kinda crappy so I wont be posting them. Although, I got an email address from one of the Maid of Honor's who will be sending me a bunch of pictures she took and I'm suposto be sending her the ones I took as well. Anyways, we played some games and had a really nice lunch. Usually at these kinds of things they'd have those little tiny sandwitches and little desserts right? Well instead they had Chicken Parmasian, Veggies, & Rice it was really nice. For dessert, well they did have the little trays of baked goods going around but they also had big pieces of Cheese cake. Mmm it was so good. My mom won a few things; a photo album and this nail thing and we also got a table center piece.
Other then that, my weekend went okay. Jackie was over friday night and we went walking, and venturing off here and there, took some pictures. Saturday we walked from my place to the mall, hung out there. Seen Ciel acouple times then went into the lottory store talked to Richard for a bit while Jackie bought a drink then ended up walking around a bit more. Spotted Lisa working in Sears and waited for her to get off work, walked around the mall abit longer and then headed over to Famous Players to play a couple rounds of ITG2. After awhile ended up randomly seeing the other Jackie, said hi. Then Lisa took the bus home and Puukila and I walked over to Walmart and looked around. Over the intercom we heard them say something about getting a free paring-pro knife so since we were in the area we checked it out. They had a demonstration of these funky knives and got a free paring knife each. Then I got dropped off at home.