Mar 08, 2007 20:48
No comments on my last entry... I guess I really suck. Man, thats sad and kinda hurts.
Gedder done, haha. Please you guys, it'll make me really happy!
I've been holding off booking an appointment to get my nostril pierced since I got this damn gift certificate from my brother at Christmas. You'd think I would have gotten it done the end of December, even in January or even before my birthday in February or a few days after or whatever but nope. I was talking to my parents about it today and my mom was like "well give me the number to Creation Body Peircing and I'll do it" I was like "really!?" so I wrote down the number and she made an appointment for tomorrow, for 5pm. I'm excited!!!
Now, is there a certain side that it looks best on or does it matter wich side they put it on? Cuz I'm not to sure about that, I may have to ask them. Though, I'm hoping someone can tell me before tomorrow so if I have to deside wich side I can just tell them instead of not knowing kind of thing.