Oct 08, 2005 23:56
If you could give up your life to live that of someone else you know, would you? I leave you to ponder that for a bit.
I've had probably entirely too much time to think lately...not to say that I'm not busy, but the thinking seems to pervade my life as of late. I was sitting at the ASU game tonight, mulling over college and the applications I have to do and what college life will be, and I realized that regardless of where I end up, I think I'll be ok. I really can see myself at all the places I'm applying (except Stanford...that's more to appease my parents, and I'm ok with that - whatever it takes). My other schools are ASU Barrett, Grinnell, Seattle U, Boston College, and Notre Dame, if anyone didn't know and wanted to. I took Georgetown off the list last week, for not reason other than I didn't really see myself there.
But yes, things are going well for me lately. I had a conscious realization that I feel the need to be really good at everything (I already knew this, but as I said...this was a totally conscious realization). I'm happy when I'm doing well with something, and upset when I'm not. So my new goal is to keep in mind that it sucks to try to live up to things I was never intended to be or do (thus the initial question I posed). Life is indeed competitive, survival skills are necessary...but I think I'm gonna be ok.
I'm pretty lucky...I have food, clothing, and shelter...but I also have sense to know what's happening around me most of the time, and I can take care of myself when need be. By all means I'm screwed up...I make stupid decisions, I'm insecure, I don't care enough, I'm wrong...but I don't think I'd trade it for anything else. So think about that if it makes any sense at all and if you care to. This post really started to ramble by the end - it's growing late and I grow weary...bon soir.
Also, the moms are awesome this year. It's good to be a senior...