(no subject)

Jun 04, 2005 17:42

Are you a boy/girl?: girl

Age: 14

Age you began to cut or self injure: when i was little.

Does anyone know you cut? yes

Does your parent(s)/ guardian(s)? yeah

Do you ever burn or bruise yourself? both

Do you think that you are depressed? yes sometimes

Do you think you have anxiety problems? yeah

Do you have any other disorders? not that i know of

Do you have an eating disorder? i used to be borderline bulimic/anorexic

Are you on meds? no

Have you been hospitalized or been to the ER for self injury/ suicide attempt? no

Have you tried to commit suicide? yes

How? tried to hang myself

Does anyone know that you tried? yeah

Do you do drugs? i have before, not now

Do you think of cutting as a good or bad thing? both

Do you wish you could stop? sometimes, but i like doing it

When you cut does it hurt? no

Do you bandage your cuts? sometimes, mostly i hide them

Where do you most normally cut? anywhere

Are you alone? when i do it? sometimes

Do you have a weapon of choice, do you carry it with you? thumbtacks, no

What have you used to injure yourself? razors, scissors, thumbtacks, staples, paperclips, anything

How do you feel about your cuts/scars, do they tell a story? yeah, but i dont really care that much. i want them to stay tho.

Have people ever asked about your cuts/scars? yeah

Do you ever design a cut (make it decorative or in a certain shape)? yeah. i like cutting words.

Have you ever cut too deep? yeah i think so

Do you go to therapy? i used to for sexual abuse 4 years ago.

Do you have trust issues? no
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