time to procrastinate by updating LJ

Apr 20, 2011 22:09

Guys! Guys! My total edited wordcount for my NaNo is 24,285! That is an exciting, large, respectable chunk of original fiction that I will not actually die of shame if other people read! OMG OMG SO EXCITED!!!

Of course that's still less than half of what I wrote in November, which is in turn less than half of the length the book would be if it was actually finished. BUT I AM MAKING PROGRESS.

Someday I hope to have a complete novel that will be read by about five people and then sit abandoned on my hard drive for decades. Like the manuscript of my mom's first novel which has been collecting dust in her closet since the mid-80s.

Other exciting news: I am leaving for England on Friday to see Oxford, Bath and Stonehenge. And snusmumeriken !!!!!!

But before then I have an EXAM ON THURSDAY EVENING AHHHHHH. And I'm going to be forced to bring my Classical Archaeology textbook along with me to England to study because I have THAT exam right after I get back next week.

But whatever, it's fine. I'll just read about Roman baths WHILE I'M IN THE ROMAN BATHS IN BATH. I'll be the coolest kid.

You know what is really unfair? Ireland is beautiful right now. All the fucking flowers are blooming and there is BEAUTIFUL SUNSHINE EVERYWHERE and I have to stay inside and STUDY. And then in less than a month I have to leave and go back to California where it's going to be a hundred degrees and I will probably pass out because I'm no longer acclimated to heat. Seriously, I am so pale right now. I've like completely lost my archaeologist tan from last summer. I am going to get the worst sunburn ever.

But I'm just really pissed that I spent EIGHT FUCKING MONTHS freezing my ass off here, and now that it's actually PLEASANT to go outside, I have to go home where the weather will suck AGAIN.

I SWEAR TO GOD, the next time I come back here, it's going to be summer. And I will have a car. So instead of sitting in my dorm room writing essays while it SNOWS, I will drive around to ALL the neolithic passage tombs and iron age hill forts that I want. And have picnics and frolic on the grass with the sheep. So there.

my travels, my awkward life

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