Amauit nos quoque Daphnis. YEAH. THAT'S RIGHT.

Nov 18, 2010 21:42

Ironically, my research paper about the convoluted relationship between Daphnis, Menalcas, Vergil, and Gallus is getting in the way of my NaNo.

And if you don't understand why that's ironic, my main character's name is Menalcas, his love interest's nickname is Daphnis, and Gallus is his dead cousin that he used to be in love with but who didn't love him back.

And my entire plot has collapsed and I've been reduced to writing AU porn in the form of a 14 year old boy's depraved sexual fantasies in order to keep up with my wordcount.

And the stress is making me eat too many cookies, which I foolishly bought a bajillion of on sale a few days ago.

Why am I so ridiculous? 

eclogues, nanowrimo, vergil, homoeroticism, classics

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