My web presence has been almost zero for over a month now, maybe even two.
I really miss it. I usually take a long time preparing to make videos but lately when I do have free time I am just so exhausted that I don't want to do anything else.
I have to find a way to balance it. I'll try a new technique today when I get home for making videos. Maybe it will help. And when I do have time I'll invest more to make the videos the way I really want to make them.
I don't want to let my viewers down I really don't, but I don't want to be sloppy either.
Anyway on another note, I am working on a research project for my Fandom class. I really love this class. I am working on an Arashi fandom project and so far the fandom has been great about filling out the online survey. I posted it on
arashi_on .
If anyone is interested in the survey you can check it out
And now I have to continue with school stuff. I have a Student Council meeting soon, but before that I need to interview a teacher for an article and then write the damn thing!
Oh and I want a J-Entertainment News logo or something but I don't know how to use Photoshop well enough. Any ideas?
Enough complaining.
I hope to transition into being a visible part of online j-entertainment fandom smoothly.