Oct 16, 2007 19:01
Is it me, or has racism just surged to front page news? There's no doubt that it's still been around, that it has never fully disappeared. Anyone who thinks racism has just fallen off the face of the planet is a moron. I've never fully understood why people hate someone based on their skin. So, because they're black...? What's wrong with it? Oh, it's because they're different than you? Oh, so.. do you hate people that don't look like the person you see when you look in the mirror? Because.. everyone else is different. No two people are the same. EVER. Yes, twins are identical, but they are far from being the same, they're just the closest to being it. There's brown hair, blonde hair, red hair, black hair. Curly, straight, plain ole' fucked up hair. If you're going to hate people based on something THEY CANNOT CONTROL and something that DOESN'T DECIDE ON WHAT TYPE OF PERSON they are, then you are also a moron.
But there's also the uh, the excuse that blacks are bad and want white women so they can treat them like shit(Because white men treat white women like princesses and would never harm a hair on their chinny chin chin) and if black guys do something bad then it's "what they are". Being bad isn't because they're black, you retard, it's because they live in a neighborhood where majority of them are too strung out on crack cocaine to give a shit about themselves much less their own children that they only had because neither of the partners gave a shit about protection. Or they lived in a neighborhood where crime is rampant or there is no hope for them. And as in no hope, I mean there is no mother who tells them there is something better, no friend or adult who says: "You have to work hard to get where you want in life". To say that only happens to blacks is another reason you are a moron. It happens to white, yellow, red, purple, orange, and green people too. Whatever color you are, it can happen to you. When you run out of hope and have no faith, you do what ever you want. When that's all you've dealt with, that's all you are. Same as how people who grow up rich take everything for granted and when you see someone poor you think they are beneath you.
We all came from Africa, whether or not you want to admit it, we did. At least, the area of which Africa is now. Don't believe me? Think I'm talking out of my ass? It's such a science called Archaeology. And for those Christians out there who think we all came out of a pile of dirt and were poofed upon, shut the fuck up. Until you can bring me proof of that, then okay. But I hate it when people toss that out as a defense of why evolution isn't real. I'm not even kidding. People who believe evolution is fake, have no idea what they are talking about. I'm Christian and I'm not afraid to mention it, but I'm not one of those that take the Bible word for word. God didn't take a holy pen to a holy piece of paper and write down the Bible. I mean honestly, if God created Adam and Eve last of all of his creation, how the hell would anyone know what he did on any of the days prior to Adam and Eve's existance? How would they know what he said or how he thought it? And why the hell does everyone assume God is a male? Or even a female? Maybe God is just an apparition? A force? A thing? If you even want to delve into that in which I really don't, because arguing religion is like arguing with a dumb blonde about buffalo wings not coming from buffalos.
Anyway, honestly, why do people care so much? Why do you care if a person is black? Is your life so fullfilled so perfect in every way that you need to care about other things? Things that make absolutely no sense.
Yea, this is a lame way to end this, but I don't care.