Aug 13, 2009 01:23
Well I am supposed to on Ren Faire site, but I have legal crap to deal with since I am now being taken to court by multicare for the stuff i mentioned back in June. For a bill I thought had been covered last year, but hadn't so now i have court papers and other bull to deal with. SO I came over to Smeg and Poppy's so Smeg could fix my older computer so i could get to files that were on it. Simple fix. and then I spent teh rest of teh day going through files looking for what I need. Found most of everything so yeah. Later today i need to stop by DSHS and get a couple copies of documents and drop them off, plus I have a current multicare bill i am dealign with from when I got my MRI on my knee. total irritations.
Seperate note: Ren Faire was a bit better, the weather was way cooler, and things went smoother, since I had no other thigns going on to worry about like the previous weekend's adventures. Just been crazy all around. I am still digesting my thought on how my reunion went. Just kind of flying by. I remember how much fun I used to have durign the week at ren faire, hanging out with friends, and it was like sumemr camp in sorts. But now no one is really around during the week, and it sucks. No relaxation time, blaarrgh.
ren faire,