Mar 25, 2008 03:00
well it was a fun weekend. After much debatong back and forth i ended up going to Norwescon over the weekend. arrived at 12:30 saturday night. (lots of debating) I accomplished what I went there to do. which was I got to see several of my friends that I don't normally get to see, plus i made new friends. I ahd fun and I plan on tryignto enter artwork for next year :D:D:D
SO this weeks plans include:
~~ to again try getting the car going. cuz gas prices are killing me.
~~getting the scoter repaired, need it cuz gas prices are still killin' me.
~~title switched and tabs for it. requires a trip up north... any body for a mini roadtrip??
~~getting a helmet for said schooter...any one know where to get one?...prefer black or red
~~go to north seattle, to visit my potential new boss and learn about the biz.
~~work on the yard, maybe have bon fire on friday (will keep posted on fire, any one wanna come over?? S'mores??)... :D:D:D:D
Thats about it...I keep the list short so i dont overwhelm myself and depress myself......
take care...
p.s. johanthan.. have you sent out those letters yet???