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Jan 09, 2009 14:31

Haven't been posting much lately, so here's a recap:
-Christmas was pretty good, although rather quiet
-New Years was great, we still have left overs from the party if anyone is interested
-Birthday was so so (for some reason my dad scheduled his shoulder surgery that day), but I did get out with some friends for dinner the next day
-I am officially enrolled at NMU (yippee!?!) as a non-degree seeking graduate student. Since they don't have any graduate classes in history or library science I am taking two undergraduate classes. 1) History of Ancient and Medieval Philosophy and 2) Intro to Museum Studies. I may add an internship in the university archives if the prof would ever get back to me about it. I'm still rather put out that I couldn't get in to Christianity (a history class, not a religions class) and Ancient Rome.
-I will be beginning an unpaid internship at the library, helping to digitize some of their old local records that are falling apart.
-In about a month I will be one of the checkpoint managers for the UP 200 (a sled dog race here) which will entail going out the a little village in the middle of nowhere (Deerton) and staying up all night to check the mushers and their teams in and out (to make sure they are staying for the required rest period). It should be pretty interesting.
-I'm also rather sad that the last episode of Stargate: Atlantis airs tonight. It will be interesting to see if my predictions come true.


I predict: Ronon will die and that the team will fly Atlantis to Earth to help defend against the wraith which will in turn blow the cover for the Stargate program.
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