(no subject)

May 01, 2007 15:12

I just can't deal with all this bureaucratic bullshit right now. I've been running around for the past couple of weeks trying to take care of everything for all the different stuff that's coming up. I had my parents dig out all my immunization records, I've gone and gotten a TB Skin test (negative by the way), I figured out how to get my credit union to do an international wire transfer, I've finally found someone in Marquette who will actually give me travel immunizations among the many things.

And then today I get the letter from the insurance agency. See, the rules for studying off-campus say that you have to have a letter from your insurance agency saying that you are covered in the place that you are going to or else you have to buy the school's off-campus insurance. So the letter comes today and all it says is that I have coverage from the company, not that I'd be covered in Chicago. Shit. So I call up the insurance company and ask them to send me another letter, saying that I would in fact have basic emergency coverage in Chicago. The customer service lady is very confused, according to her I don't even have coverage with the company at all! Much less having coverage in Chicago. Which doesn't make sense, because at the time I had a letter in my hand from the insurance company saying that I did in fact have coverage from them through my dad! Then the lady goes on and says that even if I did have coverage, they wouldn't write a letter like that anyway. WTF? SO, I go to talk to Lynn over at the off-campus studies office, who was then nice enough to inform met that only the people going ABROAD need to have the letter from the insurance company! DAMN IT! Why couldn't they have made that clear in the first place!!!!!!! I was seriously panicking about this and I just don't have the emotional reserves to deal with this right now. I have a week of classes/exams left and my stress levels are through the roof. Right now I just want to crawl into a corner and never come out.
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