Feb 01, 2008 20:10
This has to be quick, as the monitor on the computer at my parents house has a tendency to die unexpectedly... we think the video card is dying. Anyhow, after a craptastic night last night, I made it out for my long friday morning run as planned. It was about 20 degrees out and snowy, so the yaktrax were a must. It was like running on medium to hard packed sand, and definitely an added workout. I ran to the end of picnic point and back, with a little bit extra along the path past the point before turning back. I still have to do map my run, but I think it was about 10 miles. That puts me at 17 miles for the week (in two days). Yeah, i know, where's the speedwork? I was going to do some tomorrow on the treadmill, but I think I'm going to go with my mom to her yoga class instead.
I'm really pretty upset about this breakup, but it's not exactly something out of the blue. Call me or send an email if you want to hear more about that train wreck. In any case, I'm enjoying milwaukee and the comforts of home this weekend.
Grade: A
Miles this Week: 17
Miles in 2008: 51
Miles on the Supernova6s: 201 (!) I think some retail therapy of new running shoes may soon be in order! My old shoes are nearing 400, and my new ones are now over 200... maybe I'm going to make it out to rodiezes this weekend.