When Doves Cry

Feb 24, 2007 22:17

I miss being on this bitch all the time and interaciting with all the peeps. I've been super busy at both jobs, with no days off in site. But I'm gunna have to have one soon, b/c I'm moving out! That's right, I getting MY OWN APARTMENT in about a week. As soon as the family moves out and they clean up the shit. It's so awsome. I've waited SOOOOO long, and finally it's here. (ALMOST!) I want it now. I was so happy when I first heard this news that I got approved, approx. a month ago. Everything seems to be falling into place, and I thing I accidentally gave up snow for Lent! Hey, don't ever watch Purple Rain unless you want the theme song or "When Doves Cry" in your head for 2 days. It get so bad, that my dad laughed and told me to shut up! I miss y'all bitches. Damn brandy and tramadol. Whoa, What a night. Love.
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