From Whack to Cool

Feb 01, 2007 22:41

Isn't it funny when you go from hating something and thinking it's dumb, to thinking it's cool (and often, still whack). That's how I was with a lot of power metal (King Diamond, Iron Maiden) to rap (3 6 Mafia, Bone Thugs). I remember I used to hate MSI. Now they're one of my favorite bands. Sometimes it's hard to figure out just who you are when you evolve this much (or at least it's hard to get a tattoo). Anyway, I think I may be entering another whack/cool third plateau. Enter Babylon Zoo. Probably I like them b/c they're so gay and whack in their video, it's fucking hilarious. Plus they're all weird, mid-90's and got a sorta sweet electronic rock sound. Plus The Kovenant covered them. This may be my next thing. Either that, or I've took too much tramadol tonight ;)
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