Drugs on TV

Jun 27, 2006 02:39

You need to stop being a bitch and watch the History Channel. Seriously, wtf is up with that. They're always talking about ancient empires, and drugs, and secret Nazi technology. Well now they got this new thing called Hooked: Illegal Drugs and How they got that way (in one word: RASISM!). But anyhoo, I haven't seen shit this good on the History Channel since High Hitler and his meth addiction/a million other things. Eleven o'clock. Hit 'em up. Tonight was COCAINE. Aww Hell Yeah. Heaven and Hell right there. Histrorical drugs up in this bitch! Much luv, much luv. It's SOOO sweet. Tomorrow, all you ravers and cravers better tune in for this:

"How did the psychedelic drugs LSD and Ecstasy journey from a scientific discovery to a popular recreation to banned drugs? Mental health professionals once believed that LSD could treat schizophrenia or alcoholism. Meanwhile, Ecstasy, the "penicillin for the soul", was used in marriage counseling. Now, continuing the cycle of the hallucinogen, some of the latest derivatives in this category of drugs, the "rave" drugs such as GHB and Ketamine, are about to be banned. TVPG (so the kids can watch and learn!)"

And there's more to come. Opiates r on Thursday I believe (WOOT, MUTHAFUCKAA!) and, I believe Friday is Marijuana. See, learn about the shit you do. Have some culture! It's pretty acurate and informative. The more u know, or something...
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