An apollogy to my Mom.

Sep 30, 2010 15:56

I have been thinking about this, and my sister helped it come to light. I was wrong to vent about my mother (often things that came through second hand sources) on the Internet. So, I am here to right the wrongs I have done in the past to her, via Internet. I hope she would see this someday to know I am truely, heartfully, sorry. I want a relationship with her, and am currently working through my theropist to see if I can get over the stigma, the shell, and the paranoia that have built up in me over the years of being fed lies about "How wrong she is" by my grandfather. I have been studying on Bhuddisim, and it came to me, These hateful thoughts I harbored to her all of these years, is not only hurting her, but hurting me as well. It is up to me to get over my sour thoughts, my paranoia, and overall bad stigma toward her. I know I can not do this alone, but if I am consistant, I hope one day Mom and I can come to terms with our diffrences, sit down over a cup of tea, and simply talk like freinds do. I can not change the past, and the future is yet to come, and is unknown, so I best start in the present. I shall pray that she heals from all of the damage I have done.

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