Jesus it's been a long time since I've updated. Well the hubby got back from overseas safe and sound thank the fates. Spent a week in Vegas for the mom's 50th b-day, and had a blast doing that. Came home on the 24th and had a few days to relax then once again it's Labor Day Weekend which finds us back in Atlanta for DragonCon!
To hear me blather on about how awesome it was go here...This time I didn't have to work (as I'm just plain not working at the mo') so I got to go for the WHOLE weekend! We left early Friday morning as the first panel I wanted to see was at 1pm. Last year was all about James Marsters since I only had one day this time around we were going to be able to expand! Most of the cast of Firefly/Serenity was there, of course James Marsters, Gareth David-Lloyd (my current fave) from Torchwood the Doctor Who spin off. And we saw lots of others too: Kevin Sorbo, George Takei, Jerry Doyle from Bab5, Sean Astin, Robert Englund, The Ghosthunter/TAPS guys, Cliff Simon from SG1... mmm I think that's pretty much the only people I knew.
Anyhow so we register get all checked in and I remember last year was a bit of a bitch getting a seat where I could hear or see so David had asked about special seating for the hearing impaired. This year we were smart and made sure to even get me a sticker (as it turned out that was a VERY good idea). So even though we're kinda the last ones in before the first GDL panel started I was able to get a seat right in the front row next to the speakers. Not the best for lip reading if the speakers went fuzzy or his accent I must admit made it a little harder to understand, but that's what husbands are for :)
So after that we went to the Hilton where we had a room and did the whole check in thing. Saw Nathan Fillion and Alan Tudyk hanging out outside. Totally adorable they were horsing around like little kids, throwing fake punches and just goofing off. Almost toppled me but that's okay. There was supposed to be a Q&A with just Nathan right after the Torchwood thing but considering it looked like they had just got there when we were checking in at 1:30 I don't think that was going to happen. So pretty much we just hit the vendors. Walked around for a while, they changed things about this year since they added the fourth hotel to the con but we finally found the walk of fame.
Because of cash limitations we each could only get one autograph this year so I decided since I got James last year I was all about Gareth. So we stood in a relatively short line and I kept telling David I wouldn't go dumb with him like I did last year. We get up to the table and... well let me preface this with this room is LOUD and it reverberates so any of you who know me know I can't hear shit in an environment like this. Okay on with the story: So we step up to the table Gareth gives me this adorable smile says hi to David and asks who he's making it out to. I couldn't hear him so I didn't answer... he looks over to David with kind of a smirk and David tell him my name and they both chuckle. "I didn't hear you! I swear I didn't forget my name!" And Shannon once again looks like a doofus fan-girl. Okay possibly guilty but still... So David mentions it's my birthday and Gareth says and writes it for me. I grin like a loon. I shake his hand and we move on. I keep telling David "I didn't hear him!!!" He says "Sure you didn't..." and we move over to the Firefly line.
Turns out that was MUCH longer. I'd say about a half hour wait or so, but David's a huge fan of Alan Tudyk so we wait. Turns out the line is for both of them so you have to go by Nathan to get to Alan (have to... that sounded bad) David says if I really want to I can get Nathan's autograph too. I grin like a loon and when we get up there all the rumors about Nathan's character is proved corrected. He is just a sweetheart. "Hi! Nice to meet you I'm Nathan Fillion (hand outstretched to shake both our hands)" David and I exchange a glance "Um... yeah we know." On the inside of course. We talk I mention I'm a long time fan. David mentions again my birthday. Nathan smiles finishes up the autograph he's already done. "Oh really? Well do you know what I've got for you for your birthday?" Goddess I need to work on my brain to mouth filter "A big wet kiss with tongue?!" DOH! Nathan: *blink blink* How about this *pulls out trading card and signs* David moves over to Alan and then Nathan grabs one of Alan's pics and draws a mustache and doodles. "There ya go! Happy birthday!"
Alan's adorable too. I mention his cohorts mischief and he glares. We recently watched Death at a Funeral before coming to DragonCon so David asks the question neither of us could stand not to. Frank Oz is the director. When you listen to the gag reel or any of the commentaries he IS Fozzy Bear! "Did you ever just stop him and say 'Let's get this out of the way! Just say 'Waka waka waka!'?" Alan laughed so hard he almost fell over then went straight faced "No I saw what happened to those who did." Then tells us some stories about people who were never heard from again if they had made comments like that.
Then comes the meeting up with friends and drinking... severely. Those who have never attended DragonCon... There are three things you need to know #1- do not go expecting to sleep, it will not happen. #2- Learn to embrace your inner freak/geek/nerd whatever... you will be outnumbered if you don't. #3- These are the official food groups of D*Con- Caffine, sugar and alcohol. And I discovered the wonders of the Jade Martini. Mmmmm... so alcohol andkaraoke. Not me, heavens no but David got up a couple times, Josh and I think a couple of the others. Then it was crash time.
Got up the next morning for another couple panels. We went to a really cool one on how the Universe is out to kill you. Hosted by an astronomer who was not only smart but had a great sense of humor! Go fig. Then there was the Torchwood panel with James Marsters and again Anthony Lewis. I went to that one alone *cry* David decided to run off to one with Josh so I got there and got into my spot up front. The guys came out and they were having issues with the mics so at one point Gareth looked out and saw me in my BritTrack Tshirt gave me a thumbs up and must have recognized me from the day before because he mouthed "Birthday?" I nodded and he gave me a wave then leaned over and said something to James which I can only imagine was "That's the chick who couldn't remember her name" or something but he waved too. Insert fangirl squee. That was probably the most fun panel. There was a lot of ripping on John Barrowman. How he likes to pull pranks and give suggestions that later bring the producers and directors giving Gareth a good talking too. They did the first part of the panel kind of like Inside the Actors studio so they asked favorite colors, favorite swear words etc. But I've got to give Gareth props for the most original "Fanny nugget"... riiiighhhhht.
I was very pleased when some one in the audience asked about their feelings on Torchwoods stand on homosexuality in their characters and playing it so blase. James said that was what drew him. He loves sticking it to the man. He's a very subversive actor and he wants parts that piss off all the right people. Gareth just said it straight out, "People are gay: Get over it." Which is a big reason why I love the show so much. And I think it was the day before but some one stood up and thanked him for being one of the first bisexual characters represented on tv and taking the role and playing it so matter of fact, Ianto has become sort of a 'mascot' for the bisexuals out there. He said he was proud to do it and was honored to be given that kind of status. Moving on... let's see anything else interesting from that panel? Most of the stories we've heard before. But it was neat being there to hear them. And can I just say that boy seems to LIVE on Red Bull *gags* Oh well to each their own.
No Firefly panel *pout* The line to get in was literally wrapped around the building. So we decided we'd try again on Sunday. So we saw a couple other panels and hung out with friends. Tried to find a party that night but apparently unlike last year there was no GLBT party, the Firefly Shindig was more like a wake, so another night spent in the Hilton bar singingkaraoke.
And if I haven't lost your attention yet I'm down to the last day. Sadly we only got to go to the Torchwood panel (Sadly not really that's all that really mattered to me :D) The Firefly panel again was insanely long. The panel was at 2:30 so we got there right after the Torchwood panel which put us there around 12:30 or so and they had already cut it off. So oh well.
So final Torchwood panel. This is where we learned a new story never heard about how John and Gareth torment each other while one's on set and the other's not. If you haven't heard it look it up on YouTube. It's worth it. I've included the embeds, they aren't ones I took I'll admit I couldn't figure out how to use the video option on our camera :) Oh and the man speaks Welsh for us *melt*. So yeah that's about it. Hopefully I haven't bored you all to tears.
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here are Panel pics, also the autographs we got. And
here are just random costume and people pics if anyone's interested.