First off - last night walking in the basement in my bare feet I stepped on something oddly soft and malleable. I was chatting away with Brooke, my sister-in-law, as I looked down and spied it - with my big toe I had just stepped on a house spider as large as my toe (well, my little toe, and only if you count the legs, but still!). I let out a respectfully girly shriek and leapt back in horror. Brooke asked me what it was and my only response was to shriek again. Taking no chances, Brooke shrieked too and ran up the stairs, screaming "what is it?! What is it?!" as she went. Regardless of what it was, she figured that if it made me freak out, it was definitely freak-out-worthy.
I was in the laundry room, alternating between laughing and fits of the jibblies. I crept back over to take a look at the mangled spider, which
thankfully didn't pop. Brooke hates two things - moths and spiders. So she couldn't get over how the night before I could catch a moth and set it free outside, then pitch a spaz over a spider. No, my friends, the two are very different.
Had to go see my therapist last night in a bad way. And he didn't let me down. Champ was so good that I only rode him for about a half hour. Nailed his canter right away, so I only did 2 transitions to the right and one to the left and that was it. Then we worked on leg yield at the trot and improved on his leg yield at the walk. It's coming. I didn't push him too hard, it was just a fun short brain-releasing session.
And man did I need it. There are some major issues going on at work, and I can't talk about them with anyone. Like, I can't even vent about it here because even if I friend-lock it, if it ever got out I would be in heap-big trouble. Like, end up in the newspaper kind of trouble. It's nothing that I did, just a situation that's incredibly sensitive that I'm stuck in the middle of and directly affects me. I can't even go home and vent about it, because Martino works in the same building, and their office is somewhat connected with the issue too. Hence the post a few days ago - the king of Togo Togo has two horns! I can't confide my frustration to anyone besides my boss, who is in the exact same situation as me. If I tell anyone at all in confidence, they'll tell another person in confidence, and the next thing you know it's out. Rumours are already flying and I can't even do damage control.
Next week has the potential to be a nightmare. Such are the joys of the government.