I'm sure no one is a stranger to the occasional spider in the bathtub, right? Not very often, but every now and then I find a spider trapped in mine. I call Bruenor, who considers the butts of large brown house spiders to be a tasty delicacy (though he refuses to eat the head and legs). Sometimes I even find woodlice, little centimetre long
crustaceans who feed on decaying plant matter and live in dark, damp places. They're pretty common here, though they're usually lost if they end up in the house, and almost never upstairs. Bruenor won't eat them, so I have to take care of them myself.
It's been a mild curiosity as to how these critters keep finding themselves in my bathtub. I just assumed that they came through the drain, more likely the overflow one. With the spiders it wouldn't be unusual for them to have found a way up and then fallen into the tub, unable to escape.
Last night, whilst deeply involved in a good book whilst sitting on the throne, I heard a small clunk. Very quiet, but definitely nearby. I looked up to see a woodlouse on the back corner of the bathtub, upside down and struggling. It righted itself and sat there a moment before slowly wandering around the corner. It had fallen from somewhere! I looked up in alarm, but there is nothing in that corner of the ceiling, certainly no holes to the outside! I looked at the window, but it was too far to the left, and woodlice can't jump. So what the hell?
I went to the bathtub and flicked the woodlouse into the tub. It landed with a soft clunk, just like I heard before. Gah. It really had dropped from somewhere. It then occurred to me that if creepy crawlies where dropping in from on high, there was a chance that it could one day happen while my head was right there as I lay soaking in the tub.
The mystery deepens to a neurotic level.
How the hell are they getting up there, and why?! I've only ever seen woodlice on the ground, usually hiding under something. What the hell would they be doing high up enough to fall from somewhere? And the house spiders too. They normally live on the ground, although I guess I've seen them hiding out on my fence, which means they must be able to climb up stuff, even if I've never seen them do it. A woodlouse falling on me would startle me, to be sure, but if a big ol' spider fell on me I'd lose my fucking mind.
Looks like that wall paper in the bathroom will be coming off sooner than anticipated - I'll never be able to bath again until I know where the little monsters are invading my home from!
So Martino is convinced that they're crawling up and falling off the tile. He didn't see anywhere in the corner that they could possibly be getting in from either, so maybe that means he must be right. Still... *twitch, twitch*