May 18, 2008 19:32
Yet another reason why I hate humanity as a whole.
My mom and close family friend, Fran, were driving home from work sometime between midnight and 1:00am. They had just left Calgary and were coming up to the 12 Mile Coulee set of lights, which means they were doing anywhere between 80 to 100 kph, depending on how Fran drives.
There were no other cars on the road, but suddenly a rock the size of the palm of your hand came flying through the windshield and struck Fran in the face. She veered off the road, and somehow mom got control of the wheel and managed to get the car stopped. The ambulance came for Fran and mom talked to the police. The only way that rock could have hit the car is if someone had thrown it, so the cops got the dogs out and searched. I don't know what happened after that, but I sure hope someone notified the news! Maybe someone knows something and will come forward.
Fran is currently in the ICU with massive facial fractures and bleeding in the brain. She's conscious, but one can only imagine the pain that she's in.
Who would do such a thing? What dumb fucking loser would throw a rock at a car going highway speed? What kind of sick, demented fuck-up of a human being would attack a complete stranger like that? No, not attack, try to kill a complete stranger like that? Because that's very nearly what they did.
It never ceases to amaze me what humans are capable of. How ignorant they can be. How senselessly cruel.
Why would someone do such a thing? Because they were angry? Drunk? Thought it would be fucking funny?
I hope they find the fucking dilhole bastard. But I doubt they will. Unless someone comes forward with information this sick fuckhead is going to get away with nearly killing a person.
sheer human stupidity,