Well now..today I had a most interesting experience.
This weekend, I was “railroaded” in a friendly-like way by a friend into helping with a local tv/radio station promotion. Reluctantly, I said sure assuming I would be moving stuff around, or just helping out doing small tasks here and there. I never could have dreamed that what I was actually going to be doing was..well..What did I end up doing?
Well, for two hours today..I…was..
Clifford the Dog!
(This isn't a picture of me-but it shows the costume I was in:P)
Lol-yepJ No one else could fit inside the costume..and as the event organizer looked around, the her eyes fell on me, and when she asked-no begged.. well uh-I really couldn’t refuse so I donned the big, red costume and out into the crowds I went.
The kids all went nuts when I entered, and at first, it was really hard getting orientated because you really can’t see very well..but actually it was kind of fun making all the kids just light up and smile. Time and again I would be hugging and waving at one group of kids-then I would hear “CLIFFORD” and I would turn around just in time to be attacked by a new group of little hugs and high-fives. It was funJ..not very glamorous I suppose..but hey-making kids smile is worth more than any prestige thing to me.
All walking mascot thingies like that have “handlers’ who walk with you to help you navigate around and do crowd control so you don't get mauled or accidently knock a kid over (which I figure would be a bad thing to do...). My handler was a local reporter who was also in her early thirties, and it was kind of fun getting to know her as we laughed and walked around together during the breaks and when there weren't kids around. Not too often you get to rub elbows while in a big, red dog costume while being with tv and radio personalities huh?..;)..and yes-as you can imagine-she was very attractive..:)
So anyway..that’s what I did today-betcha no one else did anything like this~HA! I so wanted to take a few pictures because I knew no one would believe that I-Jim, would dress up as Clifford the Dog (even as I sit here I am laughing in suprised amusement at my antics earlier today)…but I didn’t have a camera and I there really wasn't an opportunity to ask for one..but my performance was recorded and who knows..they may put it up on tv..
and so anyway- it is true..today I was Clifford the Dog..I did it-and it was fun making a lot of kids smileJ~definitely a worthwhile day.
(Also-not me in the picture..but hey-who wouldn't smile when you saw that big fuzzy face..)